Tag : Watch Second Opinion
“Second Opinion: Laetrile At Sloan-Kettering” had its World Premiere in San Luis Obispo, CA on March 6, 2014. Interview with Eric Merola and Ralph Moss This posting also includes additional clips from the film.

Ralph W. Moss, PhD was co-founder of the National Institutes of Health’s Office Of Alternative Medicine and also served as their advisor from 1991-2001. Dr. Moss was also Assistant Director of Public Affairs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City when he unveiled a cover-up of positive tests with America’s most controversial anticancer agent, Laetrile. He was ordered by MSKCC officials to falsify reports. He refused. Instead, he organized an underground employee group called Second Opinion to oppose this cover-up.
Eric Merola, the internationally award-winning director of the Burzynski Film Series, is proud to announce the release of his third documentary — Second Opinion: Laetrile At Sloan-Kettering — which takes you through a detailed journey of these shocking events.
“Eric Merola is a bright and talented filmmaker.”
Dr. Mehmet Oz – The Dr. Oz Show
Ralph W. Moss, PhD has also simultaneously released Doctored Results — a new book and companion guide to this documentary.
Read what medical professionals have to say about Dr. Moss’ new book — illustrating his first-hand account of this story:
“Ralph W. Moss has stayed the course in stating his case. I am glad his voice is being heard.”
Harold P. Freeman, MD
Past National President, American Cancer Society and Past Chairman, President’s Cancer Panel.
“A remarkable and readable description of the laetrile controversy.”
Michael Retsky, PhD
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
“A spellbinding story of a scientist who was subjected to tremendous pressure and criticism after he unexpectedly validated an unconventional agent that inhibited metastasis.”
Peter L. Peterson, PhD
Professor, Dept. of Biological Chemistry and Oncology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
“Cancer care in America is controlled by big business and this riveting first-hand account is a real exposé of what can happen when science and business clash.”
Damian E. Dupuy, MD, Director of Tumor Ablation, Rhode Island Hospital and Professor of Radiology, The Warren Alpert School of Medicine of Brown University, Providence, RI
“Moss raises important and troubling questions about the objectivity with which Memorial Sloan-Kettering presented research data on laetrile, a controversial cancer treatment. ‘Doctored Results’ is well documented, challenging, and painfully sobering. It should be required reading for all who hope to make the most effective cancer treatments available to Americans.”
James S. Gordon, MD, Chair of the Program Advisory Council to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Alternative Medicine, Washington, DC
“Highly recommended.”
Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD
Professor, Department of Experimental Therapeutics
The University Of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
“An instant classic.”
Michael Schachter, MD
Past President, American College for Advancement in Medicine
“An anatomy of a cancer establishment cover-up, followed by the ‘murder’ of a promising anti-cancer drug.”
Tibor Bakacs, MD, PhD, DSc
National Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
“This book shows how potentially useful discoveries can be hidden from an uninformed public when the stakes are high enough.”
T. Colin Campbell, PhD
Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and author of The China Study
“I couldn’t put down Doctored Results—it reads like a medical thriller. Ralph Moss, who blew the whistle on the misdeeds of his ‘superiors’ at Sloan-Kettering Institute, discusses the astonishing results with laetrile at Sloan-Kettering and shows how the public’s perception of this therapy was manipulated by the powers-that-be for their own selfish ends. Doctored Results is a must-read book for everyone interested in complementary medicine.”
Julian Whitaker, MD, Director, Whitaker Wellness Institute and Editor, Health & Healing Newsletter, Newport Beach, California.