Tag : Ralph W. Moss
Amygdalin Blocks Bladder Cancer Cell Growth In Vitro by Diminishing Cyclin A and cdk2 Click here to read the entire article in PLOS ONE.
Listen to a March 25, 2014 interview with director Eric Merola as he discusses “Second Opinion: Laetrile At Sloan-Kettering”.
Thanks to Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness for having Eric on the show!

The story of Laetrile has a long history starting in San Luis Obispo (SLO) — making the World Premiere of “Second Opinion” in SLO a logical fit. Notice the photo below. SLO’s old pharmacy from the turn of the 19th century was owned and operated by Dr. Ernst Krebs, the original inventor of Laetrile.
Ralph W. Moss, PhD — the hero of “Second Opinion” as well as the film’s director Eric Merola will attend both screenings and participate in a Q&A afterwards.
Click here for more info on these screenings.